Shane Monks O'Byrne

3 min

5 Clever Campervan Table Ideas

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

After a bed, a campervan table is about the most important piece of furniture you will need! In this guide we will examine five of the most popular campervan table ideas so that you can make a more educated decision on what to build! We will look at how to build a campervan rail table and folding campervan table, among others.

I'm Shane, I've been teaching people to convert campervans for years; I'm the author of Roaming Home; The Comprehensive Guide for Converting Your Van Into a Campervan,writer of The Van Conversion Newsletter, instructor of The Van Conversion Course over at Udemy. And full-time vanlifer for 4 years!

Now let's jump in and look at fiver clever campervan table ideas!

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  • Table bed

  • Campervan rail table

  • Swivel table

  • Folding campervan table

  • Portable table

  • Conclusion

Note: Did you know that you can get a free electrical wiring diagram by signing up to The Van Conversion Newsletter 🙂

Design the campervan table first

Before hopping into building a campervan table, it is essential that you mock it up on paper or with CAD software first! Here is a full guide on campervan design that will help you get started. I highly recommend Vanspace3D for designing your campervan interior - it's an awesome drag n' drop CAD tool specifically for van conversions.

Table bed / Island table

The first table in our lineup is the table bed / island table.

Here's how it works: A campervan table top is mounted on an adjustable marine pedestal. When the table is up, you have a place to eat, work, or have friends over. When the table is down, you have a big, luxurious place to sleep!

Throwing the back doors open while having lunch in the van is one of the best feelings; @theroadtwospoons

This is the campervan table I have in my van and I love it! It allows me to have lots of guests over while still making the van feel spacious.

BUILD GUIDE: Learn how to build a table bed

Campervan rail table

The campervan rail table is one of the most popular choices given the popularity of fixed beds in vans.

The campervan table top is installed on a heavy duty drawer runner and can be pulled out of the fixed bed on demand.

Check out the awesome campervan rail table below, from the guys over at

A very smart use of space; @cayleighanddavid

Swivel table

Next up we have the swivel table, another very popular choice. It is one of the simplest campervan tables you can build. All you need is a rotatable pedestal and a campervan table top.

The benefit of this table is how small and compact it is - it takes up very little room. It fits two people max for dinner and works very well for remote working with a laptop.

A little table right by the door; @vanlifecustoms

Folding campervan table

The folding campervan table is another super compact table. It folds away into nearly nothing and pops out just when you need it. This type of campervan table is also perfect for remote workers.

It is very easy to install a folding campervan table, all you need are two heavy duty folding shelf brackets and a table top.

Here's what the folding campervan table from @faroutride looks like 👇

Two shelf brackets are used to hold up the table; @faroutride

Portable campervan table

My bed extender / portable table

Last up in our campervan table idea countdown is the portable campervan table. Sometimes you don't need a permanent table at all! If you only use your van sporadically throughout the summer, this option could be for you.

In my case, I have a permanent table and a portable table! The portable table acts as a bed extender that I use each night.

Enjoying a glass of vino on the beach with Mama


And there you are! 5 campervan table ideas for your van conversion!

Don't forget to subscribe to The Van Conversion Newsletter for everything you need to get started with your own van conversion (I'll send you a free wiring diagram when you join).

If you're looking for some guidance with your van conversion, you might be interested in Roaming Home; The Comprehensive Guide for Converting Your Van Into a Campervan. In the 380-page book (or ebook), you'll learn directly from me how to convert a van into your dream home - no prior experience needed!

Until next time,

Shane ✌️